Promotional Items

Imagine your picture on these attractive items!Envision the positive, even enthusiastic, response you will receive when you send these to prospects. Visualize using these eye-catching and complimentary items to your advantage booking new clients, and impressing current clients with your professionalism.The coordination of these items makes the group look more organized. It also can give the group a fresh new look when the promo material changes and matches any new CD’s. Promo Image
Color 8 1.2 x 11 Your Choice of Posters, Table Photos or Calendars
100    $49 (49¢ each)
250    $100 (40¢ each)
500    $155 (31¢ each)
1000    $220 (22¢ each)

Color Business Cards
500    $19.95
1000    $29.95
2 sided add $5
$10 1 time set up fee

Post Cards 4 x 6
250    $49
500    $95
1000    $150


To begin the process for ordering these items click here.

Our new bundles give you the ease to market your group with style and class.
Learn more about bundles here.

Floor Banners/Table Banners
Our banners are the most eye-catching promotional items we offer to date.
Floor Banner
Table Banner

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